Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions when you are creating a budget. Things are going to get cut if the funds are not there for it. When you have to decide between paying the mortgage, car payment or buying those special vitamins you will have to opt for the mortgage and car payment. Should you really be sacrificing your health for the sake of your finance budget? According to Consumer Affairs, while you think you are saving money by not focusing on your health when in fact, 60 percent of personal bankruptcies are due to medical care costs. It is not cheap to be sick.
From having to take time off from work to paying off those medical bills and health insurance costs can all lead to some serious financial trouble. If you want to stay healthy and avoid those costly medical bills than you need to focus on your health even if it means budgeting a little extra for it. Web MD revealed the secrets of healthy people who never seem to get sick. What do these people do? Here are some of the items that you should consider if you want to stay healthy: exercise, hand washing, stay away from fad diets, get enough sleep and reduce your stress.
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