A large number of people relocate every year for various reasons. It goes without saying that you need to find perfect accommodation as you are shifting in a new city. A large number of people prefer to stay in a paying guest. However, before you start living as a PG, you must be aware of paying the hidden costs associated with it. The below-mentioned points refer to the reasons for which you may need to pay the hidden costs while staying as a PG.
• The biggest disadvantage of staying in a paying guest is that you may encounter the problem of inconsistent rent. Your landlord may ask you to increase the rent if the water tax or the electricity bill increases.
• Another major reason that increases the rent of a person while staying as a PG is that most of the time the landlords ask to deposit a certain amount of money as the security charge.
• Whenever you are staying as a PG, the charge of your food will also be included with the rent. No matter, if you are getting poor quality food or having no food at all, you will be liable to pay the same amount of money.
• In most of the cases, you don’t get a power backup from your landlord during your stay as a PG. Hence, you need to spend additional money for arranging the power backup of your own.
• There are only a few cities in India in which you will get a constant water supply. Hence, no matter, you are residing in which city of India, you have to be ready to spend some extra money to get sufficient water at your hand every time.
• The most disturbing thing about living as a PG is that you have an extra charge to your landlord if any of your relatives or friends come to visit you. You will be liable to pay the extra charge to your landlord for accommodating their feeding and lodging.
• Usually, the notice period of an agreement for a PG comes with a short period of time than that of the notice period of an agreement when you are going to rent a house. So if you are staying as a PG, you would need to pay a good amount of money for the renewal of the agreement.
These are the number of reasons for which staying as a PG comes at a huge cut off from the pocket. Hence, it is recommended to take 1 bhk for rent in Delhi or any other city where you will be able to enjoy a happy stay while lowering your budget. You can contact the reputed company Nestaway that will help you in the best way to rent a flat or house in a new city.