This has been an attentive thought of all time that how to save your money since we have known the benefits of saving our money. Yes, there are various tips regarding this fact but how few of us are aware with the strategy and the methods? Proper guidelines can help you to improvise the methods and induct the techniques to scenario.
Saving your money is not only your asset but also make your backbone more strong to any of your dreams. Implications of such tips can be very significant. With a master plan it is possible to a greater savings.
In one word: remember these prospective.
In according to save your money at first you should know which part of it is called savings. After your expenditure what is left, is your savings. But you should be more focusing on your profits by less consuming on your expenditure and try to save money. Now simply add your savings and profits together and you can see the actual strategy.
Small tips to how to save your money
There are many options you can go with but it depends how much you are comfortable with any of these economical suggestions. You should be able to save more cash at the end of the month/year.
Small tips
• Reduce your expenditure. Stick to a strict plan.
• Don’t buy unnecessary items unless it is your necessity.
• When it comes to your grocery, make a list. You can save up to 12%-15% cash.
• Don’t use credit cards more than your needs. It can save your cash up to 20% .
• Match the prices and try to take the best offers.
• Try to avoid fast foods. It will be benefited for your health and money both.
• Make a daily plan and try to find out what you do that gives you extra costs instead of saving it. Reduces those expenditure will give you savings up to 6%.
• Use your Wallet as a mobile bank. Try to save a smallest amount each day. At the end of the time it will pay you back. Don’t take more cash with you every time.
• Give yourself an allowance and follow the simple way.
• Use a jar where you can put your changes and try to make it a good habit. Or you can make it your home bank where you can put your extra cash out of your expenditure. Depends how you use it.
• You need to think of investing your money in various ways. Either it could be an investing plan with greater profits or could be long or short term investment policies.
• You can lend money to others with higher or lower interest rates. From there you can earn an amount.
These are a few small tips you can work with. But there are also some big options that how to save your money. There are some traditional ways which are effective and some modern methods. After get used to the small tips you can then move to the biggest ones and see if you can make any progress accordingly.
The smartest way to save your money is to create a budget plan. Even all small to largest corporation does it. Successful people do it. It takes time but slowly it works. You should know the difference between your income and expenses.
Bank is the smartest friend.
When it comes to bigger saving and profits we go to banks. With banking financial service you could choose the smartest savings plan for you with sure profits. You can use several savings accounts or retired plan and invest your money in a proper way. After investing your money to bank you can even save your cash only you are well aware with your funds. You should have the following options.
• An emergency savings account.
• Saving accounts for monthly/annual scheme.
• A good retirement schemes.
• One or more FD (fixed Deposits).
• Well insured of your assets during any causalities.
• You can buy gold bond or can invest money to shares only if you have profound knowledge of economical market.
You should know the bank’s interest rates and can invest accordingly. Or you can make one account for every savings if you are getting a good return value. You should have knowledge regarding tax free accounts, Mutual funds, Insurance, terms of investments. This will save your money from being spent with no such reasons and come back to you while you really need it. Savings comes from what you earn but profits come from what you save. So you should try to increase your way of income money. Well, there are also some tips you can work with.
Way you can earn extra benefits.
In relation to save your money you may need to earn some extra funds. Here are some ways you can earn extra funds for your savings.
• If you are being promoted at your office and the salary range is increased, take that extra fund and use it as your profits. You have lived your life on less before so no way you show off with your extra funds.
• If you get bonus or interest amount from the bank do not waste it. Make it count and save it again after your small need.
• If you are over timing for getting extra payments you should know the value of it. Let not just earn it but make it a profit and can turn it into your savings. We all have our financial challenges, wages. So need to work accordingly.
• You can work on commission basis. It can give you extra funds.
• If you are working you can think of doing any other work as a part timer. No word but it will surely help you. Indeed an answer to your question, how to save your money.
• One major way is to understand your taxation system. You should claim your expenses. There are a few savings plan which claims of saving your tax percentage. Tax free savings plan, register retirement savings plan, donation to charity. You should consult it with an expert CA. Only then unnecessary tax can be avoided. You can save extra cash.
• Now the real strategy comes from your expenses. A lot of people overlook this potential figure. Some world reports shows that 7 out of 10 people spend almost two third of their annual income to personal hobbies, interests, unnecessary products, smoking, consuming of alcohol. You need to work in this field as well as others. You need to cut back your expenses just for a while so you don’t spend too much. At least this could be a greater option to consider.
• Credit cards and debt payments have a bigger influence in your savings and profits. You can take your statements of earlier 3 months and can strike off the amount you could have not used or it was unnecessary. You can have the clear idea. You could have saved big cash. Yes this is true that these are the facilities which worth money but you should be more concern on your expenses. May be you bought a watch online where you have paid 15% extra money. That could be your savings and could be returned to you with 3% more profits. Then we should not be using these facilities? No. we should. But you need to know your demands. You should use your cards where you are offered cash back.
• If you have any debt payments then review the interest rate is offered to you. Consult the same with your broker. You should follow the articles and economical papers that how corporate organization works on their debts. Instead of having lower rates we more focus on how soon we get that amount. Paying the amount by using your card or any unsecured fund will save your money. What you are paying for your credit lines you may ask the lower rate of interest from the bank.
Where you can save money
With other few ideas you can save your money by earning great profits. It could be your deposit box at your home or could be under your mattress. In high interest savings accounts, Monthly return scheme, guaranteed income certificates, tax free savings accounts, retirement policies. There are some advantages and disadvantages though you need to go through as per your option. Investing your money should be profited and safer. Each time look for higher interest savings or fixed deposits. The higher is your deposit, bigger is your saving and profit. Even you can invest your cash into money making market. There is a lot of option like Bonds, stocks, mutual funds as mentioned before. It takes time to grow so you need to be steady and ready.
Often we think that we are the biggest obstacle in way of saving money. Yes, perhaps this is true. In way to earn the money you forget how to save your money. There is plenty of option and opportunities you can work with but mostly you need to work on your expenses which are the biggest obstacle in your way to profits and savings. You should consult the same with your friend and family member, mostly with your mother if they are doing it so. Keep your money save from your impulses. Before any expenses you need to ask yourself that if it is really necessary or not.